on Wednesday Mr Reed called my mum and made me a time for a SLC. My SCL was with Mr reed room 6

so what
at my student led conference my parents  really liked my writing. my parents think  I had a great SLC. 

now what
be prepped for SLC just in case mum makes a time for me.

Art Attack Blog, Week 5, term 3


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, water colour or pastel.

With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, mid-ground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.
With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.


  • What features you included in your art : I added a few trees in the mid ground and a few birds in the background. i added 2 bushes in the fore ground and some mountains/hills in the background
  • I used pastels to make my art look more realistic and cool.
  • I enjoyed getting to blend in the colours to make a cool pattern
(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)

  • I would like to try water colour if I did another landscape because i could blend the colours with all sorts of colours and shades of the colour as well

My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is Mr Rule.
My writing teacher is Mrs Marsh.

So What?

My handwriting goal is to flick and slope.

My spelling goal is to complete list 8.

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt.

  •   to identify the structure and features of a moment in time/descriptive writing.  
  • to plan our moment in time using our senses.  
My reading goal is to use several pieces of information to make inference
use several pieces of information to make inference (on information not directly in the text).

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something i
am  proud of.



Create a rap about anti-bulling.
To start of we made a rap on school.
Here's mine:
1.Lets read lets write lets start a test,
There's only 5 minutes so don't take a rest,
The teacher has a list who passed the test,
This is my rap so take a test.

So What? 
I have learnt that the lines have to rime.

Now What?
To write a rap on bulling 


IHBL: a hip routine
         a cha cha routine
         to combine different movements in to a dance routine to Treasure by Bruno Mars
         to combine different cha cha moves into a dance routine to can't stop the felling by Justin timber lake
So What?

I really enjoyed dancing with Dean.
What I enjoyed most about Dean’s teaching was being able to learn how to dance on preform in front of people.
Now what?
I would like to do further dance lessons on hip hop.
 I would like to learn to do hip hop.



I have been learning to solve subtraction problems by using equal additions from a tidy number 

So What?
I have learned that when you have an equation like 73 - 28  = you can either add the same number to both sides, or you can subtract the same number from both sides. 
I have learned that it is easier to make one of the numbers into a tidy number as it is easier to work out the answer.

Now What?
My next step is to use this strategy independently
My next step is to use this strategy with larger numbers

Reading / sml / writing

What? My learning goals are:
know what different words mean
understand and organise, or order text
I am learning about reading response when you put the title author genre and write them in and write about the book you are reading.
I am learning about the new literacy program.
So what? 
My reading teacher is MR Forman. I go to him every Tuesday and Thursday in 5GF.
My writing teacher is MR Rule. We meet in 5IR every week.
My SML teacher Mrs Marsh. we meet in 5RM every Monday and Wednesday. 
Now what?
I would like to get better at reading responses.
I would like to get better at remembering which class to go to every morning.
I would like to get better at sloping my letters in handwriting and flicking my letters in handwriting. 

Statistical Investigation

I am learning to complete a statistical investigation by collecting data and putting it in a diagram.

So what? 
l have learned that the steps in a statistical inquiry model are to pose a question or make an assertion - plan an investigation - gather data - Analyse the data - form conclusions.

now what? 
Something I have learnt from gathering data is to use a more detailed questions.

Te Reo Maori

We have been learning language about Ko Au which means me myself and I
So what? 
Something i have learnt to say is No Otautahi ahau  (I am from Christchurch )
Now what? 
My next learning step is ask and answer questions confidently in Maori.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

I am learning to make safe decisions

so what?
I am learning this because it helps me to learn about all different types of keeping ourselves safe

now what?
An example of keeping ourselves safe is if someone comes up to me and says can you help me find my dog I would say no and if they keep following me I would run to a house and knock on the door and ask if they could help me. I would also yell out loudly.